Making your data web accessible
If your simulation files are stored on a workstation with a web server, you can make your files web accessible, as discussed here.
- Requirements
Working OpenLdap directory server
Must have ssl support on port 636
Available credentials to connect to openldap server. Anonymous binds not supported
User accounts in the LDAP directory must have the homeDirectory attribute set
Install Apache Httpd web server, php and the php ldap library
$ dnf install httpd mod_ssl php php-ldap $ systemctl start httpd $ systemctl enable httpd
Edit index.php and set appropriate values for the following variables
$ldap_server_uri = 'ldaps://'; $search_scope = 'ou=users,dc=example,dc=com'; $proxy_dn = 'ldapserver_bind_dn'; $proxy_pass = 'ldapserver_bind_password';
3) Copy index.php, display.php, and logout.php into the Apache Httpd web server’s DocumentRoot directory. On Redhat based machines e.g Fedora, Centos, the default DocumentRoot is /var/www/html.
4) Go to https://localhost , log in and verify that you are able to see your files.