Import your own analysis script¶
If you have created your own analysis script, you can import it for use in VSimComposer by clicking on the button Import Analyzer at the bottom left of the Analyze Tab. The pop-up dialog that follows will open to your home user directory.

Fig. 617 Select a Custom Script¶
Navigate to the location of your analyzer, then click Open. On Windows, this will copy your analyzer to the Documents/txcorp/VSim10.0/analyzers directory if the default options were chosen during installation.
Alternatively, you can add your analyzer script to txcorp/VSim10.0/analyzers prior to opening VSim. If the analyzer is added to the analyzers directory while the VSimComposer is open, the Composer will need to be closed and re-opened for the added analyzer to appear.
On Windows, the analyzers distributed with VSim are available at:
C:\Program Files\Tech-X\VSim-10.0\Contents\engine\bin
if the default options were chosen during installation.