This analyzer script analyzes a user-specified history. It will perform a near to far field transformation on the history it is given. This allows for examination of the far field parameters, or radar cross section of a particular object. The size of the sphere used as the near field is specified in the .pre file, typically with the variable name RS.

-s <simname>, --simulationName=<simname>

(string, required)

<simname> is the name of the simulation to be analyzed. The file extension should NOT be included in this text field.

-H <histname>, --historyName=<histname>

(string, required)

<histname> is the name of the history dataset; typically farField or RCS. The file extension should NOT be included in this text field.

-p <N>, --numPhi=<N>

(int, required, default = 120)

<N> is the number of phi points in the history. Specified in the input file.

-e <N>, --numTheta=<N>

(int, required, default = 60)

<N> is the number of theta points in the history. Specified in the input file.

-t <num>, --numTime=<num>

(int, optional, default = 16)

<num> is the number of time points spanning the far field time interval. May have been specified in the input file as NTFAR, otherwise it is 16.

-n, --SLL

(float, required, default = 40)

The lowest side lobe level (dB). If set to -40 side lobes, down to -40 dB will be displayed.

-g, --normalize

(int, optional, default = 0)

If set to 1, the dB gain values will be scaled so that the highest is 1. If set to 0, there is no change.

-w, --overwrite


Whether a dataset or group should be overwritten if it already exists.


This analyzer script outputs a history dataset into the HDF5 file named simulationName_historyName.vsh5, where historyName is the name of the farfield history dataset. In the Visualize tab of VSimComposer it is visualizable in Scalar Data. Note that if the Visualize tab has already been opened the Reload Data button must be clicked in order to load the new file.

If you are running this analyzer from the UI, and the output dataset file already exists, then it will be overwritten each time the analyzer is run, unless you uncheck the Overwrite Existing Files box near the bottom of the Analysis Results pane.

If you are running the analyzer from the command line, the dataset will not be overwritten unless the -w, or --overwrite flag is specified on the command line.

The results of your analyzer may not be written into the output file if you have not specified the overwrite option to be True.