.. _chemistream_releasenotes: Release Notes *************************** Version 0.60.0 ====================== * Updating LAMMPS image to version 29Oct2020 and the corresponding LAMMPS-AWESEMMD * New prototypes for NWChem workflow menus in NWChem NEXT examples * Prototype of new launchpad PySide2 application for starting cloud resources in place. * New quantum chemistry code DALTON image available * Major revision to Chemistream starting application: - JupyterLab local manager session is deprecated - Startup GUI now manages license file installation and cloud startup functions - Multiple remote compute sessions can now be managed through startup GUI - Improved error handling throughout the startup process * Reworking of compute session workflows for ALFABET, NWChem and Dalton to use ipywidgets for all functions * Improving startup user instructions for all remote workflows * New streamlined workflows for Dalton and NWChem for - scaling studies - parsing HOMO/LUMO values - series of runs given input SMILES strings - calculating hyperpolarizabilities * Implemented multi-stage builds for Docker images resulting in a further 50% size reduction * Updating panel and panel-chemistry dependencies resulting in faster app/image installs * Updating to JupyterLab=3.3.0 * Using jupyterlab_scenes module to enable auto-execution for turnkey workflows Version 0.20.0 ====================== * Reworked Chemistream application build system so pyinstaller no longer used, thereby resulting in smaller installers * Streamlined startup page on JupyterLab: Manager tab * Adding menu selection for new RLMolecule (from NREL) image * Adding menu selection for new SPPARKS image with proprietary ALD model pre-compiled * Adding menu selection for new NWChem image with the DDEC6 and Molden packages added * Maintaining separate local ports for remote cloud compute session and local compute session * Fixing temporary directory scratch space for NWChem sims * Improved docker desktop setup for 'local' compute session across platforms * Improved checks for installed docker and docker engine start for 'local' compute session * Updating LAMMPS and SPPARKS examples for better results parsing * Improved visualization for SPPARKS diffusion 3d example * Reworking of dependencies in Chemistream installer. The installer depends on Makalii and Jupyterlab only. All compute modules and codes are moved to Docker images available from Tech-X repo. All installers are nearly half as large. * Installer setup and configuration now ~2-3x faster due to simplified dependencies. * All Tech-X Docker images have been reworked for fewer dependencies and are smaller * JSME editor is now embedded in Jupyterlab notebooks, available through the Chemistream RDKitBase class Version 0.12.1 ====================== * Updating to conda Python 3.8 * Updating to JupyterLab > 3 * Updating ipywidgets to latest version that simplifies and speeds up installation * Updating pyinstaller and constructor packages to latest version (these can use conda python) * Adding menu selection for new GROMACS image * Using development version of NGLView that simplifies and speeds up installation * Removing STREAMM dependency from Chemistream module as this is only used in remote compute sessions. This has decreased the size of installers on all platforms * Adding ability to start a 'local' compute session so users can test workflows without need for configuring cloud accounts. This is valid on MacOS, Linux and Windows * Improving stability of setup of compute session * New example modules for BDE training model * Bug fixes for storage (Waihona) interface methods Version 0.9.12 ====================== * Removing py3Dmol dependencies and methods from ChemVis module * Adding NGLView dependencies and migrating from py3Dmol * New methods for NGLView added to ChemVis module * Adding example directories for rDock and QMCPack Version 0.9.10 ====================== * Upgrading to JupyterLab v 2.1.0 * Examples for remote storage (eg AWS S3 and Azure Blob) * Adding RDKit dependency for a base class RDKitBase that is used by several examples' derived classes. * Adding example for downloading OPV database info and analyzing with RDKit * Adding extra setup python files to tailor installs for app/cloud and (un)licensed versions * Freezing Miniconda version to version Miniconda3-py37_4.8.3-*platform*-x86_64.sh" Version 0.9.8 ====================== * Examples for machine learning, image recognition for 'Digits' and 'Fashion' * Example for neural net prediction of bond dissociation energies using Alfabet * Example for complex P3HT workflow Version 0.9.1 ====================== * Cloud management for Amazon and AWS * Initial development of Jupyterlab framework using ipywidgets * Examples for scaling with NWChem, LAMMPS and SPPARKS * Cloud images all enabled with generation of multi-node HPC cluster * Cloud images all enabled with creation of NFS shared directory