

Works with VSimPD and VSimVE licenses.

Function that pulls its values from a feedbackDesired history.

See the “feedbackDesired” history section in the Reference manual.

feedbackSTFunc Parameters


For STFunc, must be set to feedbackSTFunc.


Points to the feedback history being used.


For any space time function, this value is a guess as to what the adjustable term (current for example) will look like to produce the desired quantity (voltage in this case). The value obtained from the feedback is then multiplied by the value of expression to produce the resulting value of addjustableTerm. The value of feedback changes at every time step, but ideally will approach a constant value.

Example feedbackSTFunc Block

<STFunc adjustableTerm>
   kind = feedbackSTFunc
   feedback = feedbackHistory
   expression = 0.5*J_DRIVE*tanh(t/T0)