
Reactant Block

The Reactant block sets the reactants and products that can be used for any number of reactions. The reactants and products can point to any combination of Neutral or Kinetically Modeled Particle Species.

This block will always contain the kind of species it points to, as well as the name of the associated block for that species.

Reactant Attributes

kind (string, required)
The kind can be:

particle neutralGas fluid field

Other attributes depend on chosen kind

ptclSpeciesName` (string, required)

This should point to a Species block by name


neutralGasName` (string, required)

This should point to a neutralGas fluid block by name


densityFieldName (string, required)

This should point to a 1-component, kind=regularCrossDev Field block by name

fluxFieldName (string, required)

This should point to a 3-component, kind=regularCrossDev Field block by name

energyFieldName (string, required)

This should point to a 1-component, kind=regularCrossDev Field block by name

gamma (real, optional, default: 5/3)

This is the adiabatic parameter of the gas

mass (real, optional, default: proton mass)

This is the mass of the gas species

randomSeed (int, optional, default: no seed)

This is a random seed used for the gas location within a cell


fieldName (string, required)

This should point to a 3-component, kind=regular Field block by name

Example RxnProcess Blocks

<Reactant Ar>
    kind = fluid
    densityFieldName = density
    fluxFieldName = flux
    energyFieldName = energy
    gamma = 1.4
    mass = 5.66e-26
    randomSeed = 1234

<Reactant eField>
    kind = field
    fieldName = multiField.E