

Create a random sequence distributed according to the general kappa velocity distribution, assuming three velocity components.

randKappa Parameters

sigmas (float)

The widths of the distribution.

seed (integer)

Random number seed.

lowerLimits (vector float)

The lower limits for the velocities.

upperLimits (vector float)

The lower limits for the velocities.

numberSequence (code block, optional)

<NAFunc numberSequence> is an NAFunc code block that generates a random number; if not specified, Vorpal’s default random number generator (uniform in [0,1)) will be used to generate the initial random number.

Example randKappa Block

<NAFunc velocitySequence_2>
  kind = randKappa
  sigmas = [$0.8*SIGMA_VEL$ SIGMA_VEL $1.2*SIGMA_VEL$]