NAFunc Block

Typically used for sequences. Some NAFunc functions, for example, randGauss, take a nested NAFunc that uses the name numberSequence.

NAFunc Kinds

Example NAFunc Block

<NAFunc velocitySequence_0>
  kind = constNAfunc
  amplitude = 100.0
 <ParticleSource rampSrc>
   kind = bitRevDensSrc
   density = DENSITY
   lowerBounds = [X_LEFT_WALL 0. 0.]
   upperBounds = [X_RIGHT_WALL LY LZ]

 # Particle distribution uniform over initial phase space
  <NAFunc velocitySequence_0>
    kind = randGauss
    mean = 0.
    sigma = VEL_500K
  <NAFunc velocitySequence_1>
    kind = randGauss
    mean = 0.
    sigma = VEL_500K
  <NAFunc velocitySequence_2>
    kind = randGauss
    mean = 0.
    sigma = VEL_500K
  <NAFunc velocitySequence_3>
    kind = randExp
    mean = 1.