

Works with a VSimEM license.

This is a MultiField updater that computes the effective tensor permittivity on the computational grid in the presence of a material interface. One specifies a region and the relative permittivities inside and outside the region, and the updater will compute the inverse physical permittivity tensor everywhere within lowerBounds and upperBounds, including the effective tensor at the interface.

permittivityUpdater Parameters

The permittivityUpdater takes the lowerBounds and upperBounds parameters of FieldUpdater, as well as the following parameters:

region (required string)

The name of the STRgn block describing the dielectric geometry.

invPermittivityField (required string)

The name of the inverse permittivity tensor field to update. It must have 6 components.

The permittivities can be specified as either scalars or tensors. To use scalars, use the following parameters:

insidePermittivity (required float)

The relative dielectric permittivity inside the volume given in the region parameter.

outsidePermittivity (required float)

The relative dielectric permittivity outside the volume given in the region parameter.

To use tensor permittivities, use the following parameters:

insidePermittivityDiag (required float vector)

The diagonal components of the relative permittivity inside the volume given in the region parameter. This vector must have 3 elements, which correspond to \([\epsilon_{xx}, \epsilon_{yy}, \epsilon_{zz}]\).

insidePermittivityOffDiag (optional float vector, default = [0. 0. 0.])

The off-diagonal components of the relative permittivity inside the volume given in the region parameter. This vector must have 3 elements, which correspond to \([\epsilon_{yz}, \epsilon_{zx}, \epsilon_{xy}]\). This updater enforces a symmetric permittivity tensor, i.e. \(\epsilon_{ji} = \epsilon_{ij}\).

outsidePermittivityDiag (required float vector)

The diagonal components of the relative permittivity outside the volume given in the region parameter. This vector must have 3 elements, which correspond to \([\epsilon_{xx}, \epsilon_{yy}, \epsilon_{zz}]\).

outsidePermittivityOffDiag (optional float vector, default = [0. 0. 0.])

The off-diagonal components of the relative permittivity outside the volume given in the region parameter. This vector must have 3 elements, which correspond to \([\epsilon_{yz}, \epsilon_{zx}, \epsilon_{xy}]\). This updater enforces a symmetric permittivity tensor, i.e. \(\epsilon_{ji} = \epsilon_{ij}\).

Example permittivityUpdater Block

<FieldUpdater setEpsilon>
  kind = permittivityUpdater
  lowerBounds = [  0    0    0]
  upperBounds = [NX1  NY1  NZ1]
  region = sphere
  invPermittivityField = invEpsilon
  insidePermittivityDiag = [REL_EPS_XX  REL_EPS_YY  REL_EPS_ZZ]
  insidePermittivityOffDiag = [REL_EPS_YZ  REL_EPS_XZ  REL_EPS_XY]
  outsidePermittivityDiag = [1.0  1.0  1.0]