


This history type has been deprecated. Please use the speciesAbsPtclData2 kind instead.

Works with VSimBase, VSimEM, VSimPD, VSimPA, and VSimVE licenses.

Indicates Vorpal should calculate the specific information about particles absorbed by a given absorber. This History collects data on a per particle basis. It can track different kind of physical information of absorbed species via the choice of ptclAttribute. speciesAbsPtclData has multiple species or absorbers. If only one species is specified, multiple absorbers can be specified for this species via ptclAbsorbers. If more than one species are specified, same number of absorbers should be specified and each species corresponds to exactly one absorber associated with that species.

See also, speciesAbsPtclData2.

speciesAbsPtclData Parameters

species (string vector, required)

Indicates particle species type for a History kind that reports data for particle species. One or more species can be specified.

ptclAbsorbers (string vector)

Specifies name(s) of the particle absorber(s) on which the absorbed current due to incident charged particles are recorded. One or more absorbers can be specified.

ptclAttribute (string, required)

Corresponds to information about the absorbed particle data. One of the following options:

  • time:

    Update time.

  • position:

    Where a particle is absorbed.

  • velocity:

    Velocity when a particle is absorbed.

  • energy:

    Energy when a particle is absorbed.

  • weight:

    Weight of a particle when it is absorbed.

  • speciesIndex:

    Index of an absorbed particle.

  • absorberIndex:

    Index of an absorbed where a particle is absorbed.

  • rank:

    Rank of the grid where a particle is absorbed in parallel computation.

  • totalEnergy:

    Total energy of all the species that is absorbed.

  • totalCurrent:

    Total current of all the species that is absorbed.

  • massLoss:

    Mass of the species that is absorbed at each time step.

component (integer, default value = :samp:`0`)

Only applies when ptclAttribute is position or velocity. Sets which component of the position or velocity vector of the absorbed particle to record.

If using an AbsSavCutCell absorber with the useRelativeVelocity attribute turned on, component = 0 will return the parallel component of the particle’s velocity and component = 1 will return the perpendicular component.

speciesAbsPtclData History Example

<History beamTotCurr>
    kind = speciesAbsPtclData
    species = [beamElectrons testElectrons]
    ptclAbsorbers = [ beamLeftAbsorber testLeftAbsorber]
    ptclAttribute = totalCurrent
<History testEnergy>
    kind = speciesAbsPtclData
    species = [testElectrons]
    ptclAbsorbers = [testLeftAbsorber]
    ptclAttribute = energy
<History beamTotEnergy>
    kind = speciesAbsPtclData
    species = [beamElectrons]
    ptclAbsorbers = [beamLeftAbsorber]
    ptclAttribute = totalEnergy
<History  testPosz>
    kind = speciesAbsPtclData
    species = [ testElectrons ]
    ptclAbsorbers = [ testLeftAbsorber ]
    ptclAttribute = position
    component = 2
<History  testT>
    kind = speciesAbsPtclData
    species = [ testElectrons ]
    ptclAbsorbers = [ testLeftAbsorber ]
    ptclAttribute = time
<History  testVx>
    kind = speciesAbsPtclData
    species = [ testElectrons ]
    ptclAbsorbers = [ testLeftAbsorber ]
    ptclAttribute = velocity
    component = 0
<History  wmpiRank>
    kind = speciesAbsPtclData
    species = [ mpiElectrons ]
    ptclAbsorbers = [ mpiLeftAbsorber ]
    ptclAttribute = rank