This analyzer computes the number, energy, and charge flux of a kinetic species hitting a surface. The units are (respectively) #/m2/s, Joules/m2/s, Coulombs/m2/s. To use this analyzer, the user must set up a Log History called Absorbed Particle Log. Before setting up the history, the user must also set up a Boundary Absorb and Save for at least one species. Once the history is included, right click your mouse with the mouse hovering over the history name. Then you will have the ability to add the particle data you want to save. To use this analyzer, you must save the particles location, velocity, time, energy, weight, charge, mass,and number of particles in a macroparticle. Note that in 2D (3D), you need to save 2(3) positions and you need to save all three velocity components. See the Wafer Impact input file as an example.

-s <simname>, --simulationName=<simname>

(string, required)

<simname> is the name of the simulation to be analyzed. The file extension should NOT be included in this text field.


(string, required)

<SPECIESNAME> is the name of the species to compute the flux for. Example: “ions”

-T1 <STARTTIME>, --startTime=<STARTTIME>

(float, required)

<STARTTIME> is the time (in seconds) you want to start with when computing the flux.

-T2 <ENDTIME>, --endTime=<ENDTIME>

(float, required)

<ENDTIME> is the time (in seconds) you want to end with when computing the flux.

-P1L <LOWERPOS1>, --lowerPos=<LOWERPOS1>

(float, required)

<LOWERPOS1> is the lower bound over which data will be binned in dimension 1 (e.g. if perpDir=0, then data are binned in y-z plane and <LOWERPOS1> corresponds to lower bound binned in y.

-P1U <UPPERPOS1>, --upperPos=<UPPERPOS1>

(float, required)

<UPPERPOS1> is the upper bound over which data will be binned in dimension 1.

-P2L <LOWERPOS2>, --lowerPos=<LOWERPOS2>

(float, required)

<LOWERPOS2> is the lower bound over which data will be binned in dimension 2 (e.g. if perpDir=0, then data are binned in y-z plane and <LOWERPOS2> corresponds to lower bound binned in z.

-P2U <UPPERPOS2>, --upperPos=<UPPERPOS2>

(float, required)

<UPPERPOS2> is the upper bound over which data will be binned in dimension 2.


(string, required)

<HISTORYNAME> is the name of the history that you provide when you create the history. Some default value is created when you make the history. You can also change the name by double clicking on the history name in Composer.

-Nbins1 <NUMBINS1>, --numBins1=<NUMBINS1>

(integer, required)

<NUMBINS1> is the number of position bins along dimension 1. This is used in a Python histrogram function

-Nbins2 <NUMBINS2>, --numBins2=<NUMBINS2>

(integer, required)

<NUMBINS2> is the number of position bins along dimension 2. This is used in a Python histrogram function


(float, required)

<ANGULARFREQUENCY> is the angular frequency (2 pi times the linear frequency) of you RF source. This value is used to confine the times that you choose for your startTime (T1) and endTime (T2).

-ndim <NDIM>, --NDIM=<NDIM>

(integer, required)

<NDIM> is the number of dimensions of you simulation. The analyzer currently works in 2D and 3D

-P <PERPDIR>, --perpDir=<PERPDIR>

(string, required)

<PERPDIR> is the perpendicular direction to surface that charges are collected on. Accepted values are 0 or 1 in 2D and 0,1,or 2 in 3D. Y-axis would have perpendicular direction of 0. X-axis would have perpendicular direction of 1.

-Z, --compMajorC


The indexing order for written datasets. If checked, use “compMajorC”. If unchecked, use the default “compMinorC”

-w, --overwrite


Whether a dataset or group should be overwritten if it already exists.


This analyzer outputs number, energy, and charge flux (current) onto a surface. This analyzer works in 2D Cartesian and cylindrical and 3D Cartesian.

If you are running this analyzer from the UI, and the output dataset file already exists, then it will be overwritten each time the analyzer is run, unless you uncheck the Overwrite Existing Files box near the bottom of the Analysis Results pane.

If you are running the analyzer from the command line, the dataset will not be overwritten unless the -w, or --overwrite flag is specified on the command line.

The results of your analyzer may not be written into the output file if you have not specified the overwrite option to be True.