Making your data web accessible

If your simulation files are stored on a workstation with a web server, you can make your files web accessible, as discussed here.

  • Working OpenLdap directory server

  • Must have ssl support on port 636

  • Available credentials to connect to openldap server. Anonymous binds not supported

  • User accounts in the LDAP directory must have the homeDirectory attribute set


  1. Install Apache Httpd web server, php and the php ldap library

$ dnf install httpd mod_ssl php php-ldap
$ systemctl start httpd
$ systemctl enable httpd
  1. Edit index.php and set appropriate values for the following variables

$ldap_server_uri = ‘ldaps://’;
$search_scope = ‘ou=users,dc=example,dc=com’;
$proxy_dn = ‘ldapserver_bind_dn’;
$proxy_pass = ‘ldapserver_bind_password’;

3) Copy index.php, display.php, and logout.php into the Apache Httpd web server’s DocumentRoot directory. On Redhat based machines e.g Fedora, Centos, the default DocumentRoot is /var/www/html.

4) Go to https://localhost , log in and verify that you are able to see your files.